
The packages below are based on 4 or more people. If less than 4 people there will be a $100 surcharge.
Price per person includes:
Taxi in and out
Midweek check
Live bait (2 doz/day/person)
COST: $550/week - 4 days or less $110 per day each per person
Price per person includes:
Taxi in only
COST: $420 per person/week - 4 days or less $95 per day each per person
$550.00 week - boat, motor and gas.
$110.00 per day with tank of gas
$250.00 motor only per week (no gas) - $50.00 per day
$200.00 boat only per week - $40.00 per day
Water Taxi to Outpost - $400 per trip
$150.00 clean up fee per group may also apply. Ask for details.
Additional Rates:
Generators are $5 per day plus gas
Additional $100.00 per week for groups of less than 4
If you require an additional water-taxi because you have lots of extra gear it's $400.00 per trip